Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 3/2/00

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:3/2/2000; 3:40:11 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 3/2/00
Msg #:15371
Prev/Next:15370 / 15372

DaveNet: The Two-Way-Web.

Mary Mack: "Now Dave wants a patents weblog editor. I should do this. But can I? I've been enamored of the tools Dave's provided, but I'm clumsy in using them. Voice programming is so much easier." Mary asks for help from a Manila expert.

Tim Lundeen: "Making XML-RPC 1.0 a W3C standard would give more support and emphasis to what is already an incredibly useful standard!"

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune has a weblog. Cool XUL Provides Cross-Platform UI.

Motley Fool interviews Steve Wozniak.

Wes Felter: Why it's a good idea to go to class.

Jeremy Bowers: Weblog Communities.

NetDyslexia is willing to show us the full picture of their horse if they get 25 votes telling them to do that. I voted in favor of full disclosure.

Another convert to NetDyslexia's Dogma 2000?

Cabinet: "My dad writes software and since this weekend he's been hopping mad about something you did with patting. He keeps saying amazon and there frigging patting!"

Ken MacLeod: "Dave Winer is also a principal developer of and a major proponent of XML-RPC." I have the same relationship to SOAP.


Wish: A lively weblog covering patents on "EditThisPage.Com".

We're working with "Moreover.Com" to get an updated news box as a Manila macro containing stories that cover web patents. This will be a sidebar on the patents site. We need an editor, someone who has background either in software or legal issues, preferably both. There's a time committment, you have to be willing to update the site daily, at least when patents are a hot issue.

I've also been thinking about what to do when someone makes a good start at a weblog in an important area, but drops off. Two such areas are WAP and SVG. Both areas require coverage, there are new developments in each every day. I suggest if you are interested in these areas, send an email to the webmaster and ask if they'd be willing to make you a Managing Editor.

And be sure your site is registered at Weblogs.Com, I depend on it to know when sites I follow change, as many other people who run weblogs seem to. (That was the reason for starting the service.)

John Foster has a lot of nice things to say about Mac OS X, Developer Release 3.

Press release: Earthport claims prior art in Amazon patent.

Wired: Another Amazon Patent Furor.

Wired sucks. We didn't get a pointer or a quote in their story. How did they find Danny Goodman's position re Amazon's patents? Maybe Danny called them. It could have happened. And they say Slashdot is working on this, that's great, but we've been doing a better job covering the Amazon patents than Slashdot. They tuned in late. It's OK, eventually they'll want to work with us. I used to be a fan of Wired! Hey I used to work for them. Sheez. My feelings are hurt. I will not give them permission to run the Forrest Gump-like picture of Tim O'Reilly talking with Jeff Bezos.

Welcome to the Manila Zen-garden.

WSJ: Start-up stirred a media frenzy. "Today, Mr. Bowlin’s company has quietly closed. Its demise illustrates the burden of overnight success, and offers a reminder that Web start-ups don’t, after all, defy the laws of gravity."

I can't tell if kottke is being sarcastic: "More Web theft! Dave's worked hard over the years on a design for Scripting News, and now all these folks (here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, among others...) have gone and stolen it from him. Frankly, I'm appalled." The sites he points to are Manila sites. The default template for Manila sites looks a lot like Scripting News. I think he's joking, but sarcasm is hard to pick up in text.

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