Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 8/12/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:8/12/2000; 12:03:00 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 8/12/2000
Msg #:19658
Prev/Next:19657 / 19659

MacWEEK: Netscape's woeful Mac support.

Wes Felter's distributed file sharing comparison, including Napster, Gnutella, Publius, Freenet and Mojo Nation.

BTW, a few of the bees are back. The early ones. The scouts. In a couple of weeks they'll be swarming over everything that smells like bee food, which, unfortunately, includes people.

A new feature, upstreaming, was released to Radio UserLand testers. "Upstreaming is the automatic movement of content off your workstation to a non-changing location that's publicly accessible."

I have four playlists in my upstreamed folder. Next step, linking between outlines. To get that process started, every user's directory needs a directory of the files it contains.

About firewalls. In general Radio UserLand will not work behind a firewall. We are not, with this product, working around firewalls in any way. That's a deliberate decision. Firewalls are designed to stop people from running servers. In 2000 that means you can't be part of a peer-to-peer community.

A patent story so simple a child could understand why they are bad news for environments where people share ideas freely.

A really nice redesign at Kevin Werbach's weblog companion to the Release 1.0 newsletter.

An amazing thing. Every Sting song I've never heard is a big hit with me. Today I'm digging Brand New Day. I've lived that. Been there. Music gets to places no other artform can, for me at least. Thanks!

NY Times: "He waves and says, 'Hey, aren't you Napster's lawyer?' I tell him I am and he announces, 'Napster's lawyer is on the plane!' Everyone in coach cheers. Right then I knew the record industry was in trouble."

Potentially very bad news for anyone who's younger than Marek, depending on what your lawyer thinks of his patent.

Suck: The Code War.

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