Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Crossgain vs Lightsurf

Author:Ralph Hempel
Posted:9/22/2000; 1:02:48 PM
Topic:Crossgain vs Lightsurf
Msg #:21648
Prev/Next:21647 / 21650

I admit it. I slavishly follow links to wherever Scripting News points me. I frequently learn new things, which is what this is all about, right?

Someone, please help me out with this Crossgain thing. What do they actually do? The mission statement is a classically obfuscated description that means nothing to me as an investor, much less a customer. I don't care about the 10-1-1 program. What does Crossgain do? And the "here's who's been visiting our site" box is just plain offensive, to me anyways.

But the LightSurf summary is loud and clear. I get it. I can see that Phillipe Kahn (who has been in this business longer than most) at least has someone on the ball as far as getting his message out.

So, in the interest of making things clear for the 98% of us who are not tuned into the grapevine in the Valley, why should we care about Crossgain?

Cheers, Ralph Hempel P.Eng.

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